Chicken Fingers

Chicken Fingers

Quick and kid-friendly!


1 cup Domata Seasoned Flour

1/4 teaspoon Black pepper

1/4 cup Mayonnaise

2 Tablespoons Milk

1 1/2 lb. Chicken breast defrosted and cut into strips


Mix together mayonnaise and milk in medium bowl. Place seasoned flour in another bowl. Coat chicken with mayonnaise and milk mixture, dredge in batter mix covering all sides completely.

For oven-fried: preheat oven to 450 degrees. Oil a cooking sheet. Space chicken fingers so they are not touching, bake about 15 minutes, turning once during baking.

For pan-fried: preheat 1 inch oil in deep sided pan. Place chicken fingers carefully in hot oil. Cook until golden brown.

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